Jim Eastin

Tree Planting Services

This is Jim Eastin standing next to a newly planted apple tree located in Delta County, Michigan.  These six-foot, one-inch diameter apple trees are protected from small rodents and mammals with plastic spiral tree protectors and whitetail deer with six-foot, 14 gauge wire fencing.  Annual grass and weed control is completed through herbicide application.  Annual fertilization and insect control are also completed to maintain healthy and productive trees.  Apple trees should start producing fruit within 8-10 years of planting if properly cared for.  A wide variety of apple trees are available for Michigan and can be purchased from wholesale nursery growers and soil conservation districts.

Red Oak Tree Planting

This is a 1995 red oak tree planting with 4-foot protective tree shelters. Tree shelters act as mini-greenhouses or micro-environments which create optimum growing conditions.  In addition, tree shelters protect young seedlings from damage by whitetail deer and small mammals.  Red oak is a slow-growing hardwood tree that provides diversity and mast (acorns) for wildlife.

Spring Tree Planting

This is a 2003 spring tree planting located southwest of Crystal Falls and is comprised of 25,000 two-year-old Red Pine and 3,000 three-year-old White Spruce seedlings. The successful site preparation was completed in August, nine months before the tree planting.  A combination of herbicides has created a planting area of little or no grass/weed competition. This plantation will produce wildlife cover at a young age and a variety of timber products as the plantation matures.  Seedlings can be purchased from wholesale nursery growers and soil conservation districts.